Sunday, March 27, 2011

Classic journalism tale "Why Rock the Boat?" published as an e-book

William Weintraub's classic tale of Montreal journalism in the 1950s has been re-published as an e-book by Bev Editions. It can be downloaded for $3.99. (Click on the title.) The spoof was made into an NFB film that is also still available. Here is a brief summary of the plot. "In a tale reminiscent of The Front Page, Harry Barnes, a young reporter joins the Daily Witness where the managing editor, Philip Butcher fires journalists while clamping down on real news. To amuse himself Harry writes hilarious Butcher stories, which inexplicably appear in the Witness. When he falls for Julia, a reporter who is hot for rebellion, Harry is tempted to rock the boat all the way."

Just click on the title to go to Bev Editions on Smashwords to download.

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